Wednesday 18 July 2007


Been taken these capsules 3 times a day since monday, it's a 5 day course of antibiotics for my gum where my tooth was removed on monday. Hadn't noticed anything until late yesterday when I felt more tired than normal, but that could also be the mundane task involved in doing a stock take at work. Still on the ride to Cyrstal Palace to take part in the racing on tuesday night I felt weak.
Although that in itself isn't a suprise as I can seem asleep before racers to others looking at me. My way of staying calm and saving energy until required. So moving on, the race was a normal affair with a bunch of riders letting riders attack then chase them down, then look at who was next and do it again, I felt strong so any lull in procedings I would go and up the pace again, mainly on the climb. Also for no reason I thought I would race in 53x15 all night, or untill either the finish sprint or if I felt like really lifting the pace, in the end it was only in the sprint for the line that I changed up 2 gears and found out quickley my legs were not ready, slightly annoying for me as I sort of expected to win no matter what, especially as I had felt the same all night and nearly rode away from the break away group with 3 laps to go, unfortuntally this also was the sprint for the line in the 3/4s bunch which I had just gone past when they then raggedly sprinted past bringing back my break away companions at the same time to me.
I just lacking that extra little punch,kick whatever you call it that you normally can use once in a race, ie the sprint for the line, although saying that the person in front is still in front, no excuses, so 2nd for me again.
This brings me to today, slept well last night and had a lay in to 9:30am as it was my day off work. Went to the post office, was struggling with the glare of the outdoors let alone the bright sunshine, had me squinting my eyes. When I got home at 11:00am I was wiped out so lay down fully clothed on top of the bed as I thought a brief nap would sort me out. 3 1/2 hours later and still tired I awoke, that Amoxicillin and hard exercise don't go together I guess. Managed a ride at 5:00pm of 1 1/2 hours.
Thats that, need sleep!!!

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