Saturday 18 August 2007

Getting wasted

Had another night out with the boys from work, had a beer and pizza at work before heading to the same pub as last week, had a pint then moved onto our next stop which is a pub I ride past every day on the way home from work, old style original pub, very small and hot inside so after another pint we headed more into the heart of Central London, stopping once more, needed a toilet stop so went into a bar on the corner of St. Martins Lane and Port Street in Covent Garden, had a bouncer on the door, our rounds were getting more expensive the closer we got to Leicester Square.
Encountering the men employed in the washrooms to dry your hands and splash on some cologne etc, all for tips etc, scary stuff.
On to our last stop after a brief moment when I couldn't figure out what direction I was facing once in Leicester Square, just so many people about, eventually found the bar after asking a couple of coppers, revisting an old haunt from my early days in London 9 years ago.
This being the Zoo Bar, once the bouncer allowed us in after looking us over and asked Craig and I for ID. Funny as Craig is 25, Tony 30 and I 35, seven quid to get in but Craig could see that is was happening inside so we pressed on, once in we went and found a vacant spot at the bar, just happened this was also right on the dancefloor, we tried chatting but it was so loud that my voice started breaking up, found it an interesting social experiment for us as we are all in solid relationships etc, so looking on at the crowd and taking in the way people interact and loose themselves the more they drink etc.
We were on bottled beer while Craig was on Southern Comfort and coke, some drinks I can no longer take as I have over indulged in the past so the taste and memorys linger on, found it quite fun and relaxing to be out, Craig was getting worried as he had to work on saturday so we left at 11.30, Craig caught the Tube while Tony and I went back to the shop. I got home at 12.30am, was well wasted so had a shower and ate a very late dinner while drinking Nuun Isotonic drink in my race bottle, watched a movie but cannot remember what it was called or what time I finally went to bed. Kept waking up throughout the night with a dry mouth, managed to finish two bottles of energy drink by 7am in the morning.
By the time I got up at 10am I felt Ok, had breakfast then got ready to go for ride as my wife teaches between 11 and 12.30 from home so I either had to go out or stay in the bedroom, my choice and also the need to start training again, I wired up with my Ipod, drink and a food bar headed to richmond Park, very windy but weather was good, managed to tag on to two riders heading anti clockwise towards Star and Garter into the strong headwind, one rider peeled of to Richmond so I sat on the other rider, went past him but rode at a nice steady pace, did a lap then he came past and we just kept a nice sedate steady pace which was what I needed, was only planning on 2-3 laps but as I had managed to keep it steady I did 4 laps.
On the 3rd lap I had to watch some idiot cyclist try to overtake a car into a headwind and cars coming the otherway, he just sat next to the car as the speed limit in Richmond Park is 20mp/h, He came past me with his head down and on the drops, I wanted to see what sort of numpty he was so let him forget about me by letting him go for it while I rode steady, just that I rode up the climb from Kingston Gate alot faster than him so by the top I pulled right back onto his rear wheel, rode at his speed for abit then rolled past just before the descent leaving him behind, after that he caught back up but was afraid to go past even though I was doing 22 mp/h with a tailwind, not very fast in all, so let him sit on then gradually increased the pace to 30mp/h and he was gone. Getting hot at this point so slowed back to the pace as before and rolled round and then home, legs tired and muscles twitching now even while seated typing this.
So no more late nights out drinking until all my races are over and I am back from New Zealand late October. Also need to save up again to be able to afford to go out again. If we can get Phil and Jules out it would make an interesting night out.

1 comment:

Punk Bikes said...

Ha ha, is funny reading your account of proceedings.

I didnt think I had drunk that much.....until I spent all the next day hung over! ha ha

It was great fun, and we should definitely get Phil and Jules in on the action. I can just see your headline now "Cyclefit gets wasted"