Wednesday 3 October 2007

Far, far away

I am sitting in my parents new lounge with the sun shining on my back using my mums laptop, been in my home town since Sunday, 30 hours in total to get here from London, via L.A( security checks are extreme, retina scan and finger prints and that was just getting from the airplane to the transfer lounge as our plane refuelled).
Jet lagged, still half asleep during the day, Last night I rode out from Nelson to Richmond to compete in the First of the Star and Garter wheelers tuesday Twilight series, roads were wet as it has been raining ever since I have arrived until today which is sunny, anyway just before the race was to start I was introduced to the other competitors and gave a brief rundown of my season etc. the racing was an A and B group together starting first then C,D a few moments later, I being in the A group, once we got onto the main road the young riders started attacking hard, good to see such strong aggressive riding, I made a few strong turns but felt jadded, as the race was so short because of the lack of light it came down to a bunch sprint, I know the roads from when I lived here but the finish has been moved so had no idea were to aim for, as it was I had to close a gap to 4 riders then kept going to be passed with the line in sight by an Ex Olympic Ice skater turned cyclist. Quick chat then rode back with a fellow cyclist from my school days of racing as it got dark, last 10 minutes was proper night time, oops, no lights!
Today I have cleaned my Steel Eddy Merckx race bike, need to get a longer stem and raise the saddle 2mm and I will be all set up as my Serotta HSG carbon.
Next race is on Sunday of 42km in distance. may do a ride before hand but feel to tired and have to much to do here in the mean time.
Here in New Zealand it is very quiet and there is just so much space.

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