17th place. rode at or near the front for most of the race, legs were getting tired but was measuring out my effort well, last lap the mud had started to get tacky going across farm yard,as opposed to the first few laps when it was well muddy, so we all had more mud on our tires, 3 corners after the farm muddy section everyone had a scare, I had to adjust my line as it looked as Sam was going to come off in front of me, he had his feet out of pedals when, my front wheel went from under me, slid on my face and ripped up my hip, arm and fingers as well, stunned and in real pain. Remounted after some time sitting on my arse figuring out if I had broken anything or even had a face. Straightened stem and bars and tried to catch but had no legs, managed to latch onto two riders that caught me and hung on in till the finish.
Was physically and emotionally wrecked, hard not to cry as arm and wrist hurt.
Seem Ok at the moment but have yet to have a shower as I know this will hurt with my hip.
Bike frame and fork as far as I can see is undamaged, only damage has occurred to the left and right Sram shifters, scuffed badly. wheels straight and true, although there is dirt rattling round inside them know, may prove interesting when I come to clean. Bike is back at the shop.
Shorts and gloves have been binned, have scratched my race glasses and put a small hole in Gillet (max temp was 8 degrees) and two holes in left arm warmer.
Other than that I went out and bought a top up for my first aid box which got some interesting looks at Tescos, people double taking to get a look at my face, at least the security guy asked what happened, made a new friend, yeah!
1st race of the year, bike is fantastic, had no issues at all, so comfortable while being stiff, got plenty of approving looks. 50/50 with the bar tape though, will be changed once the weather improves and staying to mud free roads.